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How to set up auto delete for Google History

Google provides an option to delete your data automatically. If you want to keep some data, it is best to avoid this setting. However, if you feel like deleting your Google search history manually, follow these steps to set up the auto-delete feature:

  1. Go to your Google Activity page, but make sure you’re logged into the same account as the one you want to enable this feature with.
  2. In the left navigational menu, click on “Activity controls.”
  3. Scroll down and click on “Auto-delete (Off)
  4. Choose to auto-delete activity older than “3 months,” “18 months,” or “36 months,” and click on “Next” button.
  5. Confirm your auto-delete activity option by clicking “Confirm” button, Remember that preview is just that.

Above step is a verified processor for How to set up auto delete for Google History data. you can check here how to delete google search history on phone?